1995年3月15日下午。春雨霏霏,寒风瑟瑟。 山东省淄博市中级人民法院审判庭庄严肃穆,全市建国以来首起带有黑社会性质的团伙犯罪案开庭审理进入尾声。此刻,审判庭内人头攒动,座无虚席,许多人已在庭内站着倾听了多时。而庭外,簇拥着的旁听者不顾寒风春雨,侧耳等待着人民法官的庄严审判……经合议庭20分钟的合议,宣判在威严的气氛中开始。审判长一声令下,近40名武警战士将戴着手铐脚镣的耿兵、舒强、张同喜等15名罪犯押
March 15, 1995 afternoon. Spring rain started, cold wind sigh. Trial Chamber of Intermediate People’s Court of Zibo City, Shandong Province, solemn solemn, the city since the founding of the first syndicate gang criminal trial came to an end. At the moment, the trial court is full of people, packed, and many have been standing in the court listening for a long time. However, outside the court, surrounded by observers despite the cold spring rain, waiting earnestly judge the people’s court ... ... 20 minutes by the collegial panel of collegial sentencing in the majestic atmosphere began. Under the order of the presiding judge, nearly 40 armed police soldiers will be held in handcuffs, such as Geng Bing, Shu Qiang, Zhang Tongxi and other 15 criminals