茉莉,属木樨科,迎春属。常绿灌木或藤本。小枝细长,拱形,有角棱,有短柔毛。单叶,椭圆形或阔卵形,先端尖或钝,基部圆形或楔形,全缘。花白色,有单瓣和重瓣两种,呈顶生聚伞状花序。花有浓郁香味,开放不绝。在我国北方主要供盆栽观赏。1 茉莉的习性茉莉喜阳光充足,炎热潮湿的气候,性畏寒,虽轻微霜冻也会引起叶子脱落,在25~35℃的条件下生长最好。夏季高温、高湿、强阳光时所开出的花朵香气最浓。茉莉喜肥,栽培中,微酸性的沙壤土对它最为适宜,茉莉花不耐干旱但也怕渍涝。夏季高温时,每天除早上浇水外,还可以对叶面喷几次水,生长季节7d可施用一次稀薄液肥,施肥可在傍晚进行,秋凉后停止用肥。
Jasmine, a wood mulberry Branch, Spring is genus. Evergreen shrub or vine. Branchlets slender, arched, angular, pubescent. Leaves simple, elliptic or broadly ovate, apextight or obtuse, base rounded or cuneate, entire. White flowers, there are single and double petals, was the top terminal cymbidium. Flowers have a rich scent, not open. In northern China mainly for potted ornamental. Jasmine habit Jasmine hi sunny, hot and humid climate, chills, although a slight frost will cause the leaves to fall off, the best growth in the conditions of 25 ~ 35 ℃. Summer high temperature, high humidity, strong sunlight when the flowers out of the most aroma. Jasmine hi fat, cultivation, slightly acidic sandy loam most suitable for it, jasmine intolerant but afraid of waterlogging drought. Summer high temperature, daily addition to the morning watering, you can spray a few times on the foliage, 7d growth season can be applied once thin liquid fertilizer, fertilization can be carried out in the evening, autumn and cool to stop using fertilizer.