Beijing's Carved Lacquervare

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As early as the sixth century, carved lacquerware had already appeared in China. Usually a work must be given more than 30 coats of red lacquer, and then it is carved after drying in darkness. Carved lacquerware has always been regarded as a precious gift. In the past, however, lacquerware was only used in the palace; today common people enjoy its beauty and utility. The Beijing Carved Lacquerware Mill is reputed for its quality products, most of which find ready sale on the international market. Masters and students—most of whom are women—have played an important role in the development of carved lacquerware. As a early as the sixth century, carved lacquerware had already appeared in China. Usually a work must be given more than 30 coats of red lacquer, and then it is carved after drying in darkness. Carved lacquerware has always been sought as a precious gift. In the past, however, lacquerware was only used in the palace; today common people enjoy its beauty and utility. The Beijing Carved Lacquerware Mill is reputed for its quality products, most of which find ready sale on the international market. Masters and students- most of whom are women-have played an important role in the development of carved lacquerware.
一线天 安徽黄山南部的玉屏峰,是攀登玉屏峰的险径要道。两壁之间,狭长如巷,高约30米,中间铺砌80多级石阶,最宽处2米,窄处只有0.5米,仅容一人通行,人行其中,如蚁穿珠,仰望高
天宝寨为古人避兵匪动乱,在悬崖洞窟中构筑的世外桃源,负势凭险,“万夫莫敌”,洞天之中,古时建筑历历在目。 寨中有一石柱,高5米,顶一方形巨石,开关如伞,危而不附,上书“黄
患者女性,45岁,农民。因下腹部突发剧痛4h,于1989年7月9日早4时以急诊入院。既往月经周期及月经量均正常,末次月经为1989年7月1日,孕3次,产3次。 3年以来患者触及右下腹部有