“CBA十年杰出贡献奖系列评选活动”之最佳球员评选,日前落下帷幕。八一队“战神”刘玉栋以超过60%的得票优势最终将此殊荣揽入怀中,成为第一位在“CBA十年杰出贡献奖系列评选活动”中的获奖者。 “CBA十年杰出贡献球员奖评选活动”由各家俱乐部的主教练、总经理、现役CBA参赛球员代表、CBA联赛组委会代表和CBA新闻委员会代表等多方共同投票,并参考有关媒体收集的球迷投票。此次评选活动囊括了CBA十年联赛的所有球员,刘玉栋以高得票率获得“CBA十年贡献奖评选之最佳球员”称号可谓名至实归。 作为1996年美国亚特兰大和2000年澳大利亚悉尼两届奥运会开幕式中国代表队旗手的刘玉栋,被国内的球迷尊为“战神”。他曾经与八一队的队友们共同创造了CBA六连冠的历史纪录,也曾一人独揽“联赛最有价值球员”、“常规赛最有价值球员”和“得分王”三大奖项。在九运会的篮球决赛中,他的三分压哨球使八一战胜上海,蝉联冠军。在国家队中,刘玉栋多次夺得过亚洲锦标赛冠军和亚运会冠军,也是中国男篮打进1994年世界锦标赛和1996年奥运会八强的主力队员。新赛季,取出11块碎骨的“战神”,他再次听从召唤,义无返顾的重登赛场,带领八一队继续创造连胜战绩。他的成功复出,被业内和球迷称为“奇迹”。
The “CBA Ten Outstanding Contribution Award Series” best player selection, recently came to an end. Bayi team “God of War” Liu Yudong with more than 60% of the votes in the final award this award into his arms, becoming the first winner in the “CBA ten years Outstanding Contribution Award series” winners. The “CBA Ten-Year Outstanding Contribution Award” was jointly voted by the coaches and general managers of various clubs, the players representing CBA players in active service, the representatives of CBA League Organizing Committee and the CBA Information Committee, Fans vote. The selection activities include all players in the CBA ten years league, Liu Yudong won the “CBA ten years Contribution Award for the best player” title can be described as real. As a 1996 China Atlanta and 2000 Australia Sydney Olympic Games opening ceremony of the Chinese team flagman Liu Yudong, was the domestic fans respect as “Ares.” He has team-mate with Bayi team co-created CBA six consecutive years of history, but also one person monopoly “League Most Valuable Player”, “regular season MVP” and “scoring king” three awards. In the Nine National Games basketball final, his third-point buzzer made Bayi beat Shanghai to win the championship. In the national team, Liu Yudong repeatedly won the Asian Championships and the Asian Games champion, but also the Chinese men’s basketball team scored in 1994 World Championships and the 1996 Olympic Games quarterfinals the main players. The new season, remove the broken pieces of the “God of War”, he once again listen to the call, righteous never again re-enter the court, led the Bayi team continue to create straight record. His return to success, the industry and fans called “a miracle.”