A Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dorisnanjin
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No-wait flowshop scheduling problems with the objective to minimize the total flow time is an important se-quencing problem in the field of developing production plans and has a wide engineering background. Genetic algo-rithm (GA) has the capability of global convergence and has been proven effective to solve NP-hard combinatorial op-timization problems,while simple heuristics have the advantage of fast local convergence and can be easily imple-mented. In order to avoid the defect of slow convergence or premature,a heuristic genetic algorithm is proposed by in-corporating the simple heuristics and local search into the traditional genetic algorithm. In this hybridized algorithm,the structural information of no-wait flowshops and high-effective heuristics are incorporated to design a new method for generating initial generation and a new crossover operator. The computational results show the developed heuristic ge-netic algorithm is efficient and the quality of its solution has advantage over the best known algorithm. It is suitable for solving the large scale practical problems and lays a foundation for the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in in-dustrial production. No-wait flowshop scheduling problems with the objective to minimize the total flow time is an important se-quencing problem in the field of developing production plans and has a wide engineering background. Genetic algo-rithm (GA) has the capability of global convergence and has been proven effective to solve NP-hard combinatorial op-timization problems, while simple heuristics have the advantage of fast local convergence and can be easily imple-mented. In order to avoid the defect of slow convergence or premature, a heuristic genetic algorithm is proposed by in-corporating the simple heuristics and local search into the traditional genetic algorithm. In this hybridized algorithm, the structural information of no-wait flowshops and high-effective heuristics are incorporated to design a new method for generating initial generation and a new crossover operator. The computational results show the developed heuristic ge-netic algorithm is efficient and the quality of its solution has advantag e over the best known algorithm. It is suitable for solving the large scale practical problems and lays a foundation for the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in in-dustrial production.
“作文,作文,让人头疼”形象地反映了目前作文教学中的尴尬和无奈。学生常常对着作文发呆或抓耳挠腮,无从下笔,半天才“挤出”一点儿或随手拿起一本作文书,七拼八凑,应付了事。久而久之,不少学生便害怕作文,厌恶作文,一上作文课就头疼。怎样激发学生的写作兴趣,让学生乐写呢?我认为在作文教学中,要创设情境,让学生轻松、愉快地写作。  一、 创设生活情境  现实生活中,学生接触较多的是学校和家庭,两点一线,生活
摘 要: 高中生在智力和情感的发展上存在差异,在理解和接受数学知识的能力上也各不相同,在数学教学中采用“齐步走”的统一教学模式,不符合新课改下数学教学和素质教育的发展要求。“分层次教学”遵循因材施教的原则,关注每个学生的发展,提高了学生的参与意识,激发了学生的学习兴趣,使得他们能在现有的数学基础上掌握新的知识,培养了学生可持续学习的能力,符合新课改和素质教育的发展要求。  关键词: 高中数学教学
随着素质教育的不断深化,培养和提高小学生的写作水平是当今语文教学最主要的教学目的和任务之一。因此,在写作教学中有针对性地提供写作策略指导,有助于提高小学生的写作水平。我在日常教学中作了策略探索。  一、突破课堂时空距离,走进学生的生活  叶圣陶先生说:“生活如泉源,文章犹如溪流,泉源丰盈,溪流自然活泼地昼夜不息。”这告诉我们生活是作文之本。作文是生活的产物,生活是创作的源泉。所以,在学习、生活中,
摘 要: 探究能力是学生学习能力素养的重要构成要素,是技能型人才培养的重要内容之一。高中生在数学学习过程中,特别是在探究实践过程中,存在一些问题或不足,需要有的放矢地解决。作者根据新课改要求,就高中生数学探究能力的现实情况及解决的策略等内容,从不同方面进行了探析和论述。  关键词: 高中数学教学 探究能力 存在问题 解决策略  一、问题的提出  “实践出真知”,“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”。动手实
摘 要: 高中数学课堂教学中,要想有效组织课堂教育教学,就要充分激发学生的求知欲望,努力培养他们的思维能力,而创新思维又是其中重要的思维品质。因此在高中数学课堂教学中,教师不但要重视知识的传授,丰富情感体验,而且要通过对课堂提问的精心设计,创设有效的思维情境,设置悬念,使生对课堂提问产生浓厚兴趣,激发他们的创新意识,以此启发他们大胆猜想,积极思考,进而达到培养学生创新思维的目的。  关键词: 高中
摘 要: 本文分析了多元化教学法在数学教学中的应用。恰当运用多元化教学法有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的理解能力、创新意识、应用及理解能力。  关键词: 初中数学教学 多元化教学法 应用  在初中教学中,除了知识的传授外,教师应该为学生提供更多相互交流时间和机会。因此,数学老师必须优化和改进课堂教学,使其成为一个整体,该整体内部要相互关联,逐渐递进,同时要积极培养学生的创造力,在教学过程中采取