河蟹人工养殖是近年来发展起来的一项新兴的、开发性的特种水产养殖业。由于养殖单位及养殖面积猛增,作为蟹种的蟹苗及幼蟹数量也随之增多。蟹苗的来源除天然捕捞外,人工育苗巳获成功。幼蟹来源主要还是靠天然捕捞。把蟹苗强化培育成幼蟹,有些单位在搞,但成活率很低,问题的关键在于从蟹苗到幼蟹这个阶段的适口饵科成分的配比,特别是在饲料中添加某些生长素,促使幼蟹蜕壳迅速以及蜕壳的同步性来提高幼蟹成活率和加快生长。本试验就是探索在河蟹饲料中添加 F.A.M.P—87生长素,对蟹苗及幼蟹生长的影响。材料和方法
Artificial breeding of crabs is a new and exploratory special aquaculture developed in recent years. As the breeding units and farmed area soared, the number of crabs and crabs as crab species also increased. In addition to the natural source of crabs, artificial seedling has been successful. The main source of crab or rely on natural fishing. The intensive cultivation of crabs into crabs, some units engaged in, but the survival rate is very low, the key issue is from crabs to crabs at this stage of the proportion of suitable bait family composition, especially in the feed to add some growth Prime, prompting the rapid molting of crabs and the synchronicity of molting to improve the survival rate and accelerate the growth of crabs. This experiment is to explore the effects of adding F.A.M.P-87 auxin to crab feed on the growth of crab and crab. Materials and Method