
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qz824zane
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我们去观摩别的老师上课,常常碰到这样的情况,上课的老师和学生,有时在轻松地对答或在紧张地讲课和记录;教师有时会提出一连串的问题,有咄咄逼人之势,有时又任凭学生自由发问,没有一点拘束之感;还有的教师讲课如打机关枪,学生听不清、记不下,有时又讲得慢条斯理,令学生昏昏欲睡。这些,都可 We go to observe other teachers in class, often encountered such a situation, teachers and students in class, sometimes in easy to answer or nervous lectures and records; teachers sometimes ask a series of questions, there is aggressive, and sometimes let Students are free to ask questions without any restraint. Others have lectures such as playing machine guns, students can not hear, can not remember, and sometimes speak slowly and make students drowsy. These can be