原计划于2003年5月13日到16日在上海举办的“2003中国国际全印展”,由于“非典”的原因已经延期至10月29日至11月1日在上海新国际博览中心3、4、5号馆举行。延期以后主办单位面临的首要问题就是解决展位面积供不应求的矛盾。 尽管延期给参展商和主办方带来诸多的不便,但“全印展”还是获得了海内外广大参展商的理解和支持。到5月底,承办单位印刷技术杂志社已经接到30多家新的参展商报名,纷纷要求加盟全印展,全印展延期以后展馆也将发生相应的变化,
The 2003 China International All In Print Exhibition originally planned to be held in Shanghai from May 13 to May 16, 2003, has been postponed to Shanghai New International Expo Center 3 from October 29 to November 1 due to “SARS” Hall 4,5 held. After the extension of the organizers face the primary problem is to solve the contradiction between the booth area short supply. Despite the inconvenience caused to the exhibitors and organizers, the all-in-one exhibition won the understanding and support of the exhibitors at home and abroad. By the end of May, the contractor printing technology magazine has received more than 30 new exhibitors registration, have asked to join the All India Exhibition, All India Pavilion will be postponed the corresponding changes in the exhibition,