Obstetrics and Gynecology diseases, anaerobic non-Bacillus is a normal microbial flora of female reproductive organs, can be found in the vagina, cervical secretions, but also often infected self-lochia, suppurative cervical secretions in training. This article aims to study the structure of obligate anaerobes and facultative anaerobes in patients with suppurative-septic complications after out-of-hospital abortion and their susceptibility to antibiotics. The pathological material of 25 patients aged 18-41 years was examined for bacterial flora, of which 11 were disseminated infections (sepsis, septic shock, sepsis, sepsis, peritonitis, and other post-abortion complications Disease); 14 cases of focal infection (varying degrees of uterine myositis). These patients were admitted early in pregnancy 6 to 27 weeks of incomplete abortion, 23 cases had curettage, 2 cases of medication abortion. Patients with focal infection had a good general condition before admission, with only 2