气道异物是临床上常见的问题,经可弯曲支气管镜摘除是首选方法,具体摘取的方法很多,近2年来我们应用冷冻的方法摘取难取性气道异物,取得了良好效果,现报道如下。对象与方法 2003年12月至2005年12月期间气道异物患者8例,男5例,女3例,年龄14~78岁,平均(57.6±22.6)岁。均在外院或本院经可弯曲支气管镜应用常规方法如异物钳、异物篮、Fogarty 球囊等尝试30 min 以上未取出。患者的基本情况见表1。冷冻仪为 ERBE Erbokyo CA(德国 ERBE 公司),可弯曲支气管镜为 Olympus 1T40(日本 Olympus 公司)。按局麻下可弯曲支气管镜检查常规准备,经口进镜,到达异物处后,冷
Airway foreign body is a common clinical problem, the bendable bronchoscopic removal is the preferred method, the specific removal of many ways, the past two years, we apply the method of freezing difficult to remove foreign body airway, and achieved good results, and now Reported as follows. Subjects and Methods Eight patients with airway foreign bodies between December 2003 and December 2005 were enrolled. There were 5 males and 3 females, aged from 14 to 78 years (mean, 57.6 ± 22.6) years. All of them were taken out of the hospital or hospital via bendable bronchoscope using conventional methods such as foreign body forceps, foreign body basket, Fogarty balloon, etc. for over 30 minutes. The basic situation of patients in Table 1. The freezer was ERBE Erbokyo CA (ERBE, Germany) and the bendable bronchoscope Olympus 1T40 (Olympus, Japan). According to local anesthesia can be bent bronchoscopy routine preparation, by mouth into the mirror, after the arrival of foreign body, cold