问:国内生产的农药有多少种? 答:共有100多种,但常用的只有几十种。其中有防治害虫的杀虫剂和防治病害的杀菌剂。问:常用的杀虫剂有哪些? 答:有敌百虫、敌敌畏、乐果、白僵菌、苏云金杆菌等。问:常用的杀菌剂有哪些? 答:有波尔多液和石硫合剂。问:用任何一种杀虫剂都能把林木害虫杀死码? 答:这不一定,也许能杀死,也许杀不死。问:这是为什么? 答:因为为害树木的害虫有好多种类,不同种类的害虫需要用不同的农药防治才能凑效。防治刺
Q: How many kinds of pesticides are produced in China? A: There are over 100 kinds of pesticides, but only dozens of commonly used ones are used. Among them are pest control insecticides and disease control fungicides. Q: What are the commonly used pesticides? A: trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, Beauveria bassiana, Bacillus thuringiensis and so on. Q: What are the commonly used fungicides? A: Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur mixture. Q: Can any tree pests be killed by any kind of insecticide? A: This is not necessarily certain and may kill or kill. Q: Why is this? A: Because there are many kinds of pests that injure the trees, different kinds of pests need different pesticide control to work together. Prevention and treatment of thorns