一份电影杂志办得成功与否,就像它所依赖的电影一样,不仅要叫好,更重要的是要叫座。如何吸引读者的注意,让人心甘情愿地掏钱买,我觉得是最关键的。 我是《大众电影》的一个读者,最关心的便是这份杂志的时效性。最时尚的电影,最时尚的话题,最时尚的封面人物、于是,在芸芸众多的电影杂志中,它便会一下子跃入我的眼帘。观众们看电影,往往是把它当作一种娱乐和消遣,看电影杂志的读者多半也是如此,我们希望在看的时候,像读寓言故事一样,感觉很轻松。
The success of a film magazine, just as it depends on the movie, not only to applause, more importantly, to call. How to attract the reader’s attention, people willing to pay for it, I think it is the most crucial. I am a reader of Volkswagen, and I am most concerned with the timeliness of the magazine. The most fashionable movie, the most fashionable topic, the most fashionable cover figure, so, in a large number of movie and magazine, it will suddenly jumped into my eyes. Audiences watch movies, often as an entertainment and pastime. Most movie-magazine readers do the same, and we want to feel as relaxed as reading allegory stories when we look.