【摘 要】
Endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) was first introduced into medical practice in 1980 s as a diagnostic imaging modality for pancreatic pathology. EUS has the unique ad
【机 构】
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch,Division of Gastroenterology and
【出 处】
World Journal of Hepatology
Endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) was first introduced into medical practice in 1980 s as a diagnostic imaging modality for pancreatic pathology. EUS has the unique advantage of combining ultrasound and endoscopy to obtain detailed information of the gastrointestinal tract. Over the past decade, the use of EUS in liver diseases has been increasing. EUS, which was initially used as a diagnostic tool, is now having increasing therapeutic role as well. We provide a review of the application of EUS in the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of liver disease. We also look at the evolving future research on the role of EUS in liver diseases.
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) was first introduced into medical practice in 1980 s as a diagnostic imaging modality for pancreatic pathology. EUS has the unique advantage of combining ultrasound and endoscopy to obtain detailed information of the gastrointestinal tract. Over the past decade, the use of EUS, which was initially used as a diagnostic tool, is now having increased therapeutic role as well. We provide a review of the application of EUS in the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of liver disease. We also look at the evolving future research on the role of EUS in liver diseases.
Induction and enhancement of histamine release by human
作家,著有《优雅地低于爱情》、 《元配》等长篇小说。 有个叫涂世友的女人,快四十了,还是处女,可能也不曾有过一段成形的恋情。她是为之骄傲还是遗憾?总之,她设立贞操网站,自称女神,呼吁少男少女们向她看齐。很正经,正经得……我简直没法不在前面加一个字“假”。她可能不知道女神有很多种,有全副武装的雅典娜,不由人间交合而得,不产育于妇人之手,一生专工狩猎;但也有放浪形骸的维纳斯,风流故事万古扬
Colti virus was isolate
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