
来源 :中国科技产业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyu1221
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民营科技企业成为经济发展中的一支重要生力军从80年代开始发展起来的民营科技企业,现已成为我国经济发展中的一支重要生力军。到目前为止,全国民营科技企业已有55000家,技工贸总收入超过500亿元。去年,北京市在5万多家企业中评出“经济百强”,其中12家... Private science and technology enterprises have become an important force in economic development. Privately-run science and technology enterprises that have been developed since the 1980s have now become an important force in China’s economic development. So far, there are 55,000 privately-owned science and technology enterprises across the country, and the total income from technology, industry, and trade exceeds 50 billion yuan. Last year, Beijing City ranked among the top 50,000 companies in the “Top 100 Economy”, including 12...
物质的量贯穿于整个高中化学的始终,是在化学计量中处于核心地位的重要概念,它是掌握物质的质量、体积(标准状况下)、物质的量浓度、反应热、化学方程式计算的前提,是高考的必考考点之一.现将物质的量作为各化学量相互转化的“桥梁”时要注意的问题总结如下.    “本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”