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打破垄断,引入竞争机制,促进电信业大发展是国务院批准成立联通的宗旨,本刊在创刊号曾以“一石激起千层浪”的专访作了报导,一年多来,邮电部门与联通既合作又竞争已有良好的开端,国家通信事业大发展,老百姓也得到实惠。但不庸讳言,在电信业务运营过程中,仍存在许多问题亟待解决。本文是一家之言,本刊愿就此问题向业内人士提供一个“百家争鸣”的园地,以期建立一个符合社会主义市场经济原则的、既宜于科学管理又公平竞争的秩序,进一步推动我国通信事业的大繁荣。 To break the monopoly, the introduction of competition mechanisms, and promote the development of the telecommunications industry is the State Council approved the establishment of China Unicom’s purpose, the magazine in the first issue of “a stone provoked Melaleuca waves” interview was made over the past year, the postal and telecommunications sector and China Unicom both Cooperation and competition have been a good start, and the great development of the national telecommunications industry has brought benefits to ordinary people. However, it goes without saying that there are still many problems that need to be solved urgently in the operation of telecommunications services. This article is one of the words, this journal is willing to provide the industry on this issue a “contending field”, with a view to establishing a socialist market economy in line with both the principles of scientific management and fair competition, and further promote the prosperity of China’s communications industry .
以发作性眩晕就诊者可称屡见不鲜,笔者遇到一例,其临床表现颇为奇异,特报告如下。 临床资料 某女30岁、某化工研究所化验员、已婚,于1983年3月5日初诊时诉。在78年新婚同房
I think studying is good for us.It is very interesting.It can give us some knowledge.To study well is very hard.So we need to study diligently(勤奋地). I think
有话说:  小男孩画的花儿不漂亮,但它有一个特点,喜欢微笑。“三十六计,走为上计”,当小男孩准备撕掉它的时候,这朵花儿逃跑了……请仔细欣赏每一幅图画,关注其中变化的细节,写一写小男孩为何对花儿态度发生改变。
良好的开端,预示着成功的一半。 1993年12月30日,太仓市首家电话村在日新村诞生,揭开了该市农村通信发展史上的崭新一页。其时,全市农话交换容量为2.8万门,百人普及率为4.92
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美国有线电视公司和电话公司之间正在酝酿一场技术战。谁能捷足先登,将多媒体视像、数据和Internet业务送入美国家庭,谁就能在大战中取胜。 由于双方网络线路基础结构明显不
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