针对一种5V0.6μm BiCMOS工艺的纵向NPN管,设计了ESD保护结构。为了克服传统纵向NPN管ESD自触发结构触发电压较高的缺陷,提出一种带P+/N阱二极管的改进型自触发ESD结构,利用NPN管集电极与基极之间的寄生电容和二极管作为电容耦合元件。流片及测试结果表明,该保护结构的触发电压得到有效降低,且抗ESD能力超过4kV的人体模型。
For a vertical NPN tube of 5V0.6μm BiCMOS process, the ESD protection structure is designed. In order to overcome the defect that the triggering voltage of the self-triggered structure of the conventional vertical NPN transistor is high, a self-triggered ESD structure with P + / N well diode is proposed. By using the parasitic capacitance between the collector and the base of the NPN transistor and the diode as the Capacitive coupling element. The flow sheet and the test results show that the triggering voltage of the protection structure is effectively reduced, and the human body model whose ESD capability exceeds 4 kV is obtained.