河南洛阳书画研究院院长.国家一级美术师王厚生.是当代中原画坛一位有影响的著名山水画家。其传统功力深厚.笔墨技巧娴熟。特别是近年来.他勇于创新.反思师承.正从被人们奉为定则的陈法中挣脱出来……。他的画.始终追求六个宇: “创新.厚重.大气”。不管是画面的构成还是形与色的皴染.他都是别开生面.从传统的技法入手.在创新中完成创作。通过笔墨层面的突破去带动艺术语言层面的开拓.经过长期的艺术实践.他不断总结
Luoyang, Henan Institute of painting and calligraphy. National level artist Wang Housheng. Is an influential contemporary Central Plains painting landscape famous painter. Its traditional skill is deep. Skill skill. Especially in recent years. He is creative. Reflect teachers. Is getting out of the law of the people being regarded as a rule .... His paintings. Always pursue six Yu: “Innovation. Thick. Atmosphere.” Whether it is the composition of the picture or the shape and color 皴 dye. He is unique. From the traditional techniques to start. Complete creation in innovation. Through the breakthrough of literary and artistic level to promote the development of art language level. After a long period of artistic practice. He constantly concluded