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基于山东省高新技术产品出口的发展现状及优劣势,选取1998年-2014年相关数据,运用贸易竞争力指数和R&D(研究开发)强度分析了山东省高新技术产品出口国际竞争力,得出山东省高新技术产品竞争力仍有待提高的结果。以R&D经费支出、地方财政科技拨款和外商直接投资为解释变量,以高新技术产品出口规模为被解释变量建立的面板模型,进行单位根和协整检验及回归结果分析,论证了R&D经费支出、地方财政科技拨款和外商直接投资对山东省高新技术产品出口都起到积极的促进作用,其中外商直接投资的正向作用最为显著。针对山东省高新技术产品发展存在的问题,我们结合实证分析结果提出应提高创新水平、加大与科技研发经费支出投入力度、改善产业结构矛盾优化资源配置等相关建议。 Based on the current situation and advantages and disadvantages of the export of high-tech products in Shandong Province, we select the relevant data from 1998 to 2014, and use the trade competitiveness index and R & D intensity to analyze the international competitiveness of high-tech exports in Shandong Province. Provincial high-tech product competitiveness remains to be improved results. Taking R & D expenditure, science and technology appropriation of local finance and foreign direct investment as explanatory variables, the panel model of exporting scale of high-tech products as explanatory variables was established to test the unit root and cointegration and the regression results, and the R & D expenditures, Local financial allocations for science and technology and foreign direct investment have played a positive role in promoting the export of high-tech products in Shandong Province. Among them, the positive effect of FDI is most significant. In view of the problems existing in the development of high-tech products in Shandong Province, we put forward some suggestions on how to improve the level of innovation, increase the investment in R & D expenditures, improve the contradiction between industrial structures and optimize the allocation of resources according to the results of empirical analysis.
青蒿(Artemisia annua)作为一种传统中药,被用来抗疟、抗血吸虫、镇咳和祛痰平喘等。青蒿毛状根培养物被认为具有与天然青蒿植物相似的遗传稳定性和生化性质,可用来有效生产
中药委陵菜(Potentilla chinensis B)为蔷薇科(Rosaceae)委陵菜属(Potentila)植物委陵菜的全草,广泛分布于我国大部分地区,为常用中草药。委陵菜性寒,味苦,具有清热解毒,凉血
本论文的工作主要包括:天然药物分子的结构研究、药物分子骨架构建方法和对具有重要生物活性的天然生物碱的全合成。第一章中系统地研究了中药茅苍术(Atractylodes lancea)的