Fair tax or not, will have a direct impact on social equity, social stability and even have a significant impact. In view of the complexity of tax fairness, the meaning of tax fairness goal is not single dimension, but multi-dimension, including interpersonal tax fairness in social dimension, tax regional fairness in geography dimension and tax revenue intergenerational fairness in historical dimension. It is not enough to pay attention to only one dimension of tax fairness, and we should try our best to achieve the fair goal of three dimensions at the same time. Specifically, to achieve the goal of interpersonal fair tax revenue, we need to consider both the fairness of rights and obligations between taxpayers and taxpayers, the fairness of taxation between natural persons and the fairness of taxation among legal persons. In the Under the current tax system in our country, if we want to achieve fair regional taxation, reform in related fields is imperative. If we want to achieve the goal of fair intergenerational tax revenue, we must at the same time approach the objective of fair inter-generational tax revenue of natural resources and the fair intergenerational tax of social wealth.