目的 :了解优生遗传咨询内容及相关疾病的情况,为降低出生缺陷、优生优育提供保障。方法 :选取2013年9月至2014年9月于绵阳市人民医院进行优生遗传咨询的690例孕妇进行分析。结果 :优生遗传咨询内容涉及药物、不良妊娠史、不良产史、不良环境因素、羊水过多、羊水过少、超声发现异常、唐氏综合征筛查高风险、高龄。结论 :优生遗传咨询可降低出生缺陷、提高出生人口素质。
OBJECTIVE: To understand the contents of genetic counseling and related diseases in order to reduce birth defects and provide prenatal and postnatal care. Methods: From September 2013 to September 2014, 690 pregnant women who had genetic counseling on eugenics in Mianyang People’s Hospital were selected for analysis. Results: The genetic counseling of eugenics involved drugs, history of adverse pregnancy, history of bad birth, adverse environmental factors, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, abnormal ultrasound findings, Down’s syndrome screening high risk, elderly. Conclusion: Eugenics genetic counseling can reduce birth defects and improve the quality of the birth population.