让·皮埃尔·热内执导的法国影片《阿梅莉·普兰的异平寻常的命运》成了2001年欧洲电影奖颁奖大会上的最大赢家。这部影片赢得了欧洲电影协会授予的本年度最佳欧洲电影奖和另外三项奖:最受观众欢迎奖、最佳导演奖以及最佳摄影奖。 热内以前导演的一些影片也颇受德国观众欢迎,他在德国早已成为受人崇拜的导演。他
The extraordinary winner of the French film “Amelia Pulan”, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeanne, became the biggest winner at the 2001 European Film Awards. The film has won the European Film Association’s Best European Film Award of the Year and three other awards: Most Popular, Best Director, and Best Photography. Some of the films previously directed by Jenny were also very much welcomed by the German audience, who has long been a cult-driven director in Germany. he