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相比西方教堂基于城市广场的选址原则,上海近代教堂的选址呈现出较为明显的地域性,表现为三种典型的选址模式——沿水系、沿街和处于道路转角处,再按照教堂的规模和等级选取相应的模式。同时,这三种选址模式又都对应了相关的总平面布局方式,创造性地解决了教堂布局与基地条件之间的矛盾性。而这种基于基地特性、而非抽象的拉丁十字的简单复制的设计方法,也为今天的教堂设计提供了可参考的蓝本。 Compared to the western church based on the principle of siting of the city square, the location of the modern church in Shanghai presents a more obvious geographical representation of three typical location patterns - along the waterways, along the street and at the corner of the road, and then follow the church The size and level to select the appropriate mode. At the same time, all three modes of location correspond to the overall layout of the general layout and creatively solve the contradiction between the church layout and the base conditions. This simple replication of the Latin crosses, based on the characteristics of the base rather than the abstract, also provides a blueprint for today's church design.