我炒股多年,见过四蹄飞扬、绝尘而去的黑马,也遇过张牙舞爪、不可一世的黑熊。时间久了,对炒股自有一番感悟。股民也是人,是人就有人类身上共有的劣根性。正因为有了这些劣根性,才使股民在炒股中体会到了人生的无常和乐趣,找到了在生活中的坐标。要不然,为什么那么多股民会乐此不疲,还有那么多人会大睁着两眼朝“火坑”里跳? 依我之见,股民身上常见的劣根性有四: 其一,贪婪。贪婪乃人之本性,股市中人所表现出的贪婪更是“技高一筹”。譬如说,在你小有收获的时候,却
I stock for many years, seen four hoofs flying, the dark horse away, but also encountered claws, the mighty black bear. Over time, the stock market has its own perception. Stock investors are also human beings, and human beings share the bad roots of human beings. It is precisely because of these bad roots, so that investors in the stock market experienced the impermanence and fun, found the coordinates in life. Otherwise, why do so many shareholders will never bored, there are so many people will be big eyes open “fire pit ” jump? In my opinion, investors who have common bad root there are four: First, greed. Greed is the nature of man, the greed of the stock market is more “higher skill ”. For example, when you’re young, you’re cool