25年前日本处于崩溃的边缘。 底特律的日本危机全面爆发——汽 车工人猛烈攻击丰田。今天通用和 福特也正面临大规模的金融危机。 但现在却没有人在汽车城向丰田发 难。相反,密歇根州长詹尼弗·格 兰霍姆在丰田研发中心说:“我们 兴奋地期待丰田在密歇根的未来, 我们热烈欢迎它的到来。”在她的 面前是微笑着的丰田经理,他们为 密歇根研究实验室增资1.5亿美元, 将设计更多新车型以赶超世界第一 的通用。
Japan was on the brink of collapse 25 years ago. Detroit’s Japan crisis broke out - car workers fierce attack Toyota. Today, GM and Ford are also facing a large-scale financial crisis. But no one is in Toyota Motor City to launch an attack now. Instead, Governor Jennifer Graham of Michigan said at the Toyota R & D Center: “We are excited to look forward to Toyota’s future in Michigan and we warmly welcome it.” In front of her was a smiling Toyota manager who was Michigan Research Laboratories added 150 million US dollars, will design more new models to catch up with the world’s No. 1 GM.