在每个不同的历史时期对偏头痛的病理发生学的阐述各有不同,从而导致其治疗措施也各不相同。最近的10年里,我们对偏头痛的起源及治疗手段的认识又进入了一个全新的历史时期。临床表现 偏头痛与紧张性头痛、丛集性头痛同属于原发性头痛的范畴。这些头痛均不能通过全身体格检查以及各种常规的检查手段找到一个明确的病理学致病基础。因此,国际头痛协会(HIS 1998)以及WHO的现代头痛分类体系中将这几类头痛共同隶属于原发性头
The histories of migraine have been described differently in each of the different historical periods, resulting in different treatment options. In the recent 10 years, our understanding of the origins and treatment of migraine has entered an entirely new historical period. Clinical manifestations of migraine and tension headache, cluster headache belong to the category of primary headache. These headaches are not able to find a clear pathological basis of disease through physical examination and a variety of routine examination methods. Therefore, the International Headache Association (HIS 1998) and the WHO classification system of modern headache will be several types of headache belong to the primary head