November 26, 2015, “Collection and Exhibition Ceremony of the Birth of a New China Created by Large-Large Huge Chinese Painting Theme” "Held in the Central Hall of the National Museum. Lvzhang Shen, member of Chinese Library, member of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, secretary of the Secretariat, and vice chairman Zuo Zhongyi, Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Fan Di’an, party secretary Gao Hong, director of China Art Museum Wu Weishan, president of China National Academy of Fine Arts Yang Xiaoyang, Tsinghua University Fine Arts Academician Yuan Yunfu, Consultant of China Artists Association Yang Lizhou, First Class Artist of Chinese Painting Academy Wang Yingchun, Researcher of China Academy of Art Lang Shaojun, Vice Chairman of Chinese Artists Association, Deputy Director General of Cultural Affairs Bureau