为进一步推动五常市质量效益农业的发展 ,打破以增产粮食为主的农业发展模式 ,五常市对种植业结构进行了调整 ,提高了蔬菜和经济作物面积 ,现将五常市目前重点推广的三种主要露地蔬菜复套种模式介绍如下。1 早甜瓜复种秋白菜选择优质早熟的甜瓜品种。在 4月 1 5日前后用营养钵
In order to further promote the development of agriculture with quality and efficiency in Wuchang and to break the mode of agricultural development based mainly on increasing grain output, Wuchang Municipality has adjusted the planting structure and increased the area of vegetables and cash crops. Now Wuchang City, The main open field vegetables complex seed pattern is as follows. 1 early melon multiple cropping autumn cabbage selection of high-quality precocious melon varieties. In the April 15 before and after using nutrition bowls