
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigdoglsm
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一、全区约有七千万人口地区尚未进行土地改革,在这些地区春荒正在发展,估计夏荒较春荒还会严重,现在业已有一部轻灾区变为重灾区,粮价上涨,农民叫苦。为了克服灾荒进行生产,必须在五、六两个月内,普遍开展一次退租退押运动。时间极紧,必须立即动员,立即布署,立即动手,切实作出成绩来。二、各地应迅即召开各级干部会议,动员全体干部,克服种种思想障碍,及时进入实际行动。必须使他们透澈了解:群众在生产中的困难还是很多很大的,全部耕地的百分之八十是由农民来耕种,他们的困难就是全区生产中最大的困难。克服这种困难,主要办法还是向地主阶级实行退租退押,而不能只仰望政府贷欵。根据去冬土地改革时所暴露的实况,我们过去的减租运动不普遍、不澈底、不平衡的;地主分散财产逃避执行法令,而农民要求并未获得满足,有押可退、有租可减是肯定的。在生产季节中,农民第一个要 First, about 70 million people in the entire area have not yet carried out land reform. In these areas, the spring flood is still developing. It is estimated that the shortage of summer rains will be more serious than that of the spring drought. Now that one of the hardest hit areas has become a hardest hit area, the prices of grain will rise and peasants will complain. In order to overcome the famine to carry out production, it is necessary to carry out a rent-back and custody campaign in five or six months and two months. The time is extremely tight, we must mobilize immediately, deploy immediately, start immediately, and earnestly make achievements. 2. All localities should immediately convene a cadre meeting at all levels to mobilize all cadres, overcome various ideological obstacles and promptly enter practical actions. We must make them understand that the masses are still in great difficulties in their production. Eighty percent of the total cultivated land is cultivated by peasants, and their difficulty is the greatest difficulty in the region’s production. To overcome this difficulty, the main solution is to implement the rent-back remand to the landlord class instead of looking to the government for credit. According to the actual situation we exposed during the land reform last winter, our past rent-reducing campaigns were not universal and not completely clear and unbalanced. The landowners dispersed their property to evade enforcement orders and the peasants’ demands were not met. Less is for sure. In the production season, farmers first want
中国网民在2008年达到2.53亿,超过美国成为世界上网民数量最多的国家,互联网的营销价值,正受到越来越多品牌的重视。 Chinese netizens reached 253 million in 2008, surpa
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