比萨斜塔是举世闻名的奇观之一。1592年,伽利略登上斜塔进行自由落体实验的传说,给人们又增添了几分传奇色彩。斜塔在建造后的几个世纪里,一直向南倾斜,为此世人无不为比萨斜塔的命运担忧。 比萨斜塔于1174年开始建造,还没建到第三层,塔身就开始倾斜。由于这个原因,工程被迫中断了近一个世纪,尔后,人们又继续施工,把塔建到了第七层并在第七层上面加建了一个钟楼。建造比萨斜塔前后持续了近二百年,全部工程于1370年完成。由于比萨斜塔建到第三层就开始倾斜,后来的建筑都是以调整倾
Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the world famous wonders. In 1592, Galileo climbed the leaning tower to carry on the experiment of free fall, adding some legendary colors to people. Leaning Tower in the centuries after its construction has been tilted south, for which the world are worried about the fate of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Leaning Tower of Pisa was built in 1174, has not been built to the third floor, the tower began to tilt. For this reason, the project was forced to break for nearly a century, after which people continued to construct the tower to the seventh floor and a clock tower over the seventh floor. The construction of the Tower of Pisa lasted nearly two hundred years before and after all the works were completed in 1370. As the Leaning Tower of Pisa to the third floor began to tilt, and later the construction is to adjust the tilt