今年我35岁。这35年里,有19年是在靶场上握着枪度过的。在中国,目前在现役运动员中恐怕很少有我这么大的年龄,更不必说有这么长的枪龄,所以真算是个“老枪”了。 枪,对于我的人生,无疑有着巨大的意义。在历年来参加的国际比赛中,我拿遍了奥运会、世界锦标赛、世界杯赛、亚洲锦标赛和亚洲杯赛等各个重大赛事的金牌;至于在国内比赛中到底获得过多少次
I am 35 years old this year. In the past 35 years, 19 years have taken the gun on the shooting range. In China, I am afraid that at present there are seldom I am such a big age in the active players, let alone have such a long gun age, so it really is an “old gun.” Gun, for my life, no doubt has a huge significance. In international competitions that I have participated in over the years, I have taken the gold medals at major events such as the Olympic Games, the World Championships, the World Cup, the Asian Championships and the Asian Cup. As for how many times in the domestic competitions