In recent years, grassland damage losses have increased in a variety of crop fields, with fields ranging from 10% to 20% and severeness up to 50%. Therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen chemical weeding in winter crops. Now according to rapeseed, wheat grass characteristics and around the demonstration test results, different varieties of winter crop chemical weeding technology are as follows: First, the size of the wheat field 1. No-tillage before sowing weeding. 3-5 days before sowing the wheat, 400-600 ml of mu with 10% glyphosate and 30 liters of water are evenly sprayed to eliminate the old grass after the rice is harvested. 2 seedling weeding after sowing. After sowing to wheat 2 leaf 1 heart or weed 2 leaf 1 heart period, mu 50% isoproturon (Jiangsu Baobain Pesticide Factory production)