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应用聚合酶链反应研究了100例北京地区正常汉族人载脂蛋白B基因4个位点的多态性分布情况。在这一群体中,载脂蛋白B信号肽序列以Ins等位基因占优势,其频率达0.765,而Del等位基因相对少见(0.235).XbaI和EcoRI酶切位点以X-和E+等位基因占绝大多数,其频率分别为0.975和0.96,X+和E-等位基因十分少见,其频率仅为0.025和0.04.对可变数目串联重复序列共检出10种等位基因(3'β29~3'β49),其中以3'β37等位基因最为常见,其次为3'β39等位基因,两者检出率达68%。结果表明,北京地区汉族人的载脂蛋白B基因多态性分布与不同种族间存在明显差异,与白种人的差异尤为显著。揭示人类不同种族有其自己的遗传特点。 Polymerase chain reaction was used to study the polymorphism distribution of four apolipoprotein B genes in 100 Han normal population in Beijing. In this population, the apolipoprotein B signal peptide sequence predominates with the Ins allele at a frequency of 0.765 and the Del allele is relatively rare (0.235). The XbaI and EcoRI restriction sites have a predominance of X- and E + alleles at frequencies of 0.975 and 0.96, respectively, and the X + and E-alleles are rare with frequencies of only 0.025 and 0.04. A total of 10 alleles (3’β29 ~ 3’β49) were detected in a variable number of tandem repeats, of which the 3’β37 allele was the most common, followed by the 3’β39 allele, the detection rate of both Up to 68%. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the distribution of apolipoprotein B gene polymorphism and ethnicity in Han nationality in Beijing, especially among white people. Revealing that people of different races have their own genetic traits.
[名家传]王小波/当代著名作家。其写作标榜“智慧”“自然的人性爱”“有趣”,作品深具批判精神。他善于以喜剧精神和幽默风格述说人类生存状况的荒谬故事。  明末清初,有批洋人传道士来到中国,后来在朝廷里做了宫。其中有人留下了一本日记,后来在中国出版了。里面记载了一些有趣的事,包括他们怎么给中国皇帝讲解欧氏几何学:首先,传道士呈上课本、绘图和测绘的仪器,然后给皇上进讲一些定理,最后还给皇上留了几道习题,