Polymerase chain reaction was used to study the polymorphism distribution of four apolipoprotein B genes in 100 Han normal population in Beijing. In this population, the apolipoprotein B signal peptide sequence predominates with the Ins allele at a frequency of 0.765 and the Del allele is relatively rare (0.235). The XbaI and EcoRI restriction sites have a predominance of X- and E + alleles at frequencies of 0.975 and 0.96, respectively, and the X + and E-alleles are rare with frequencies of only 0.025 and 0.04. A total of 10 alleles (3’β29 ~ 3’β49) were detected in a variable number of tandem repeats, of which the 3’β37 allele was the most common, followed by the 3’β39 allele, the detection rate of both Up to 68%. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the distribution of apolipoprotein B gene polymorphism and ethnicity in Han nationality in Beijing, especially among white people. Revealing that people of different races have their own genetic traits.