大袋蛾(Clania variegata Snellen)又名大蓑蛾,俗称布袋虫。属鳞翅目蓑蛾科。该虫近年来在我县大量发生,为害泡桐和多种树木,泡桐被害后生长受到抑制,个别植株甚至濒临枯死,对我县泡桐生产的发展影响很大。为了解决这个问题,1984年,我们在双泉公社南龙大队林场的泡桐片林中进行了大袋蛾防治试验,现将有关情况报导如下:一、林地立地条件和大袋蛾为害情况南龙大队林场泡桐林地地形平坦,土层较厚,土质垆土,肥力中等,地下水位较高(3米以上)。林地面积217亩,其中5年生泡桐纯林97亩,桐、杨混交林80亩,3年生桐粮间作40亩,泡桐株行距为3×3米,已经郁闭。共有泡桐树1万株,株高平均10米。
Clania variegata Snellen also known as the big moth, commonly known as bagworm. Lepidoptera is a moth family. In recent years, the insect occurred in our county a large number of damage Paulownia and a variety of trees, Paulownia growth was inhibited after the death of individual plants even on the verge of dying, the development of the production of Paulownia great impact. In order to solve this problem, in 1984, we conducted a large-scale moth prevention and control experiment in the Paulownia forest in the Shuangquan commune’s Nanlong Dafeng Forest Farm. The situation is reported as follows: I. Ground conditions of the forest land and the damage of the big- Paulownia woodland flat terrain, thick soil, earthy soil, medium fertility, high water table (3 meters). Forest land area of 217 acres, of which 5-year-old Paulownia forest 97 acres, Tong, Yang mixed forest 80 mus, 3-year-old Tong grain intercropping 40 acres, Paulownia spacing of 3 × 3 meters, has closed. A total of Paulownia trees 10,000 plants average height of 10 meters.