课堂节奏主要是指一节课的张驰快慢及其有规律的变化。一位有经验的教师,是非常讲究课堂节奏的控制的。这是因为,适度的课堂节奏,能自始至终牵动学生的注意力,维系学生的热情,使课堂教学跌宕起伏,张驰有度,从而轻松愉快地实现教学目的,完成教学任务。那么,如何才能较好地控制课堂节奏呢?笔者认为,要注意以下几个方面: 一、把握知识容量,合理控制时间 要控制好课堂节奏,必须把握一节课的知识容量。现行思想政治课教材对知识点的配置,从总体上看,都有一个较为合理的安排。政治课以课、节、框为线索,以框为课时单元,一般一框为一节课。教师备课时要认真分析教材,明确知识点,确定好一节课的知识容量。教
Classroom rhythm mainly refers to the speed and slowness of a course and its regular changes. An experienced teacher is very particular about the control of class rhythm. This is because moderate classroom rhythm can affect the students’ attention from beginning to end, maintain the enthusiasm of the students, make the classroom teaching ups and downs, and take advantage of Zhang Chi, so as to easily and happily realize the purpose of teaching and complete the task of teaching. So, how can we better control the classroom rhythm? The author believes that we should pay attention to the following aspects: First, grasp the knowledge capacity, reasonable control of time To control the classroom rhythm, we must grasp the knowledge capacity of a class. In the current ideological and political education textbooks, the allocation of knowledge points has, on the whole, a more reasonable arrangement. Politics lessons are lessons, sections, and boxes are clues, and the frame is a lesson time unit. The general frame is a lesson. When teachers prepare lessons, they must carefully analyze the teaching materials, clarify knowledge points, and determine the knowledge capacity of a class. teach