雷利荣终于到了山东泰安。这位北京某公司技术人员是于5月1日傍晚9点半抵达泰安的,他将按计划在次日凌晨登顶泰山观日出,以实现自己多年前准备到此“小天下”的夙愿。 “晚上10点钟,从‘岱坊’踏上第一级石阶,雨就开始稀稀沥沥下了起来。但这似乎没有影响大家的情绪,反倒爬山的人是越来越多,黑
Lei Li Rong finally arrived in Tai’an, Shandong. The technician from a Beijing company arrived in Taian on the evening of May 1 at 9:30 pm. He planned to ascend to Taishan Sunrise in the early morning of the next day in order to realize his aspiration to prepare for this “little world” many years ago . "10 o’clock in the evening, from the ’Dai Fang’ embarked on the first stone steps, the rain began to sparse down, but it does not seem to affect everyone’s emotions, on the contrary climbing more and more people, black