2.标示启下或总上标示启下或总上的,主要是冒号。冒号标示启下的作用有两种。一是标在有提示性的话(如“说”“道”之类)的后边,表示以下是要说的话;这些话多是直接引述,所以冒号和引号常连在一起用,这在上一节里已经谈过。一是标示前边的话总括或者引起后边的话。例如: 1.他带的东西很简单,全部行装是:两条毛毯,一床被单,几件换洗的衣服,一个仪器箱,一包书和一个小手提包。
2. Mark Kai or total mark on Kai or total, mainly colon. There are two types of colon effect. The first is marked after the suggestive words (such as “” “Road ” and the like) behind, said the following is to say; these words are mostly quoted directly, so the colon and the quotation marks often used together, This is already talked about in the previous section. One is to mark the front of the words or cause behind the words. For example: 1. He took something very simple, all packed: two blankets, a bed sheet, a few changing clothes, a case, a bag of books and a small handbag.