The onset of migraine attacks in ischemic cerebral infarction is clinically rare, the pathogenesis has not yet been determined.Migra migraine ischemic infarction is most commonly found in the middle cerebral artery supply area, a small number reported as unilateral posterior cerebral artery (PCA) Supply of regional infarction, and bilateral PCA infarction so far no report.This article describes a case of young migraine patients with bilateral PCA infarction.Patients, 37-year-old male.Have a history of migraine for 17 years, each episode of headache have visual distortion , Dark spots and near memory disorders, sustained a few minutes to several hours after the double-volume area appear mild to moderate beating pain, fear of light and discomfort, etc. 1 to 2 times a month attack, the recent seizure frequency increased in the near Memory disorders and visual acuity persisted after the second episode.Cranial CT scan revealed left temporal-occipital infarction and vertebral artery angiography showed occlusion of the left PCA with aspirin and dipyridamole treatment. One week later, the patient again experienced visual distortion , Severe near-memory impairment and diffuse pulsatile headache. Positive family history of migraine. Neurological examination revealed a loss of congenital memory and a moderate impairment of retrograde memory;