安德烈·曼特尼亚(Andrea Mantegna)是15世纪意大利帕多瓦的文艺复兴绘画家。他以鲜明清晰的绘画、色彩为特色,追求15世纪意大利北部经典绘画手法,即掌握角度和不平等的透视法。18岁时就他为艾雷米塔尼教堂的奥维塔里礼拜堂绘制了一系列的装饰壁画。1460年成为了曼图亚的宫廷画家,在他为宫廷创作的壁画修饰中,最著名的是《婚礼堂》。在这幅画的天花板部分他创作了一个栩栩如生的特殊延伸的幻象。这是文艺复兴时代第一个有完全“仰角透视”的装饰画。他为后来的装饰画奠定了坚实的基础。曼特尼亚对古典文化的态度,为其他艺术家树立了榜样。
Andrea Mantegna is a Renaissance painter from 15th century Padua in Italy. With his distinctive and clear paintings and colors, he pursued the classic painting techniques of Northern Italy in the 15th century, namely perspective and inequality. At the age of 18, he painted a series of decorative frescoes for the Ovirthai Chapel for the Aitutani Church. In 1460 he became the court painter of Mantua, the most famous of which was the “wedding hall” in the frescoes he had created for the court. In the ceiling part of this painting he created a lifelike and special extension of the illusion. This is the first Renaissance era to have a complete “Elevation Perspective” decorative painting. He laid a solid foundation for later decorative painting. Mantegna’s attitude towards classical culture sets an example for other artists.