Proteome changes in the plasma of Papilio xuthus (Lepidoptera:Papilionidae):effect of parasitization

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science B:An International Bi | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingsong009
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Although the biochemical dissection of parasitoid-host interactions is becoming well characterized, the molecular knowledge concerning them is minimal. In order to understand the molecular bases of the host immune response to parasitoid attack, we explored the response of Papilio xuthus parasitized by the endoparasitic wasp Pteromalus puparum using proteomic approach. By examining the differential expression of plasma proteins in the parasitized and unparasitized host pupae by two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis, 16 proteins were found to vary in relation to parasitization compared with unparasitized control samples. All of them were submitted to identification by mass spectrometry coupled with a database search. The modulated proteins were found to fall into the following functional groups: humoral or cellular immunity, detoxification, energy metabolism, and others. This study contributes insights into the molecular mechanism of the relationships between parasitoids and their host insects. Although the biochemical dissection of parasitoid-host interactions is becoming well characterized, the molecular knowledge concerning them is minimal. In order to understand the molecular bases of the host immune response to parasitoid attack, we explored the response of Papilio xuthus parasitized by the endoparasitic wasp Potsomalus puparum using proteomic approach. By examining the differential expression of plasma proteins in the parasitized and unparasitized host pupae by two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis, 16 proteins were found to vary in relation to parasitization compared with unparasitized control samples. All of them were submitted to identification by mass spectrometry coupled with a database search. The modulated proteins were found to fall into the following functional groups: humoral or cellular immunity, detoxification, energy metabolism, and others. This study contributes insights into the molecular mechanism of the relationships between parasitoids and their host in sects.
奥纳西斯出身于希腊的一个难民家庭,17岁投身于“淘金”者的行列,漂洋过海来到南美,在一艘货船上做帮工。奥纳西斯来到阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯时发现中东那里的烟草比这里便宜很多,如果从那儿贩来烟草发财是理所当然的。但他是个外来人,在当地一无基础,二无门路,烟草卖不掉,哪有什么财可发?所以他每天都到一家著名的烟草公司郝根公司来寻找机会,别说业务人员不理睬他,就是连看门的也动不动给他白眼。  此后一段时间
(t) 肾小管酸中毒(RTA)系由肾小管分泌H~+和回吸收HCO障碍引起的一组疾病。早期诊断不但能改善佝偻病骨畸形,而且可以防止肾结石及不可逆的肾功衰竭。我院收治3例: 例1,男,9
据说克林顿当选总统后,有一次和希拉里开车经过一个加油站。突然希拉里发现加油站的一个工人是自己的初恋情人,克林顿知道后说:“看来你的选择是正确的,因为你现在是总统的夫人而不是一个加油站工人的老婆。”希拉里听完头也不回地说:“正因为你娶了我,所以现在当总统的是你而不是他。”  希拉里这句话用在《纸牌屋》里的新总统夫人克莱尔身上何其应景,克莱尔绝不仅仅是一半军功章,克莱尔就是军功章,克莱尔绝不仅仅是温暖
通过水解钛酸四丁酯的方法得到TiO2超微粒胶体溶液,并在导电玻璃基片上制备出TiO2电极.AFM研究显示该电极是由粒径均匀的TiO2小颗粒及微孔组成;光谱学分析表明该电极的比表面积大于50. The TiO2 u