每一次大的技术转型或者产品的更新换代,总会有公司利用抢先推出新产品、新技术的机会从市场重围中杀出,或者翻身成为第一,或者从默默无闻的小字辈成为市场中的主流。现在,英特尔也期望通过在明年推动PCI-Express 接口技术、DDR 2内存技术以及对 Xeon DP处理器的更新换代,在服务器芯片市场上打败ServerWorks,成为在技术与市场上的双重领先者。目前,ServerWorks 在全球服务器芯片市场上占据了大约75%的市场份额,而英特尔只有大约25%。
Every major technological transformation or product replacement, there will always be companies using the preemptive introduction of new products, new technology opportunities to kill out from the market encirclement, or stand up to become the first, or from the unknown to become the mainstream of the market. Now, Intel is also looking to become a dual leader in technology and the market by pushing PCI-Express interface technology next year, DDR2 memory technology, and the Xeon DP processor replacement to defeat ServerWorks in the server chip market. At present, ServerWorks occupies about 75% market share in the global server chip market, while Intel only has about 25%.