《澳大利亚的中国面孔:澳大利亚华裔中的多代种族特点》(The Chinese Facein Australia:Multi—generational Ethnicityamong Austral......
佛手(Citrus medica L.var.sarcodactylis Swingle)、香橼(Citrus medica L.)与代代酸橙(C.aurantiumvar.daidai Tanaka)皆为芸香......
Different energy protons response to the interaction of two coronal mass ejections on 22 May 2013 Ma
Two CMEs were involved the large gradual solar energetic events on 22 May 2013.The first CME (hereafter CME1) erupted fr......
Dear Younger Me, I know you probably won’t understand the advice I’m about to give you, but that’s okay. As situatio......
Boys and girls, come out to play. The sun does shine brightly! Leave your sadness and leave your puzzle, And c......
I had now the key to all language, and I was eager to learn to use it. I remember the morning that I first asked the mean......
In ancient times,the application of Xuming Decoction was popular in the treatment of stroke.Sun Simiao was a famous phys......
Worship to traditional Chinese medicine mater Sun Simiao is rooted in the traditional Chinese culture of Confucianism an......
Effect of the Sun on Decline Curves and Residue Levels of Azadirachtin in Cucumber under Field Condi
In this work, an HPLC-based method was developed to determine azadirachtin residues on cucumber.The decline curves o......
在暴发二带子的闪光的闪光以后的阶段期间在 1995 年 2 月 4 日,上船, Yohkoh 观察了一套大规模花冠的快速的使明亮的软 X 光检查望......
全球专用化学品提供商Cognis计划卖掉其PVC稳定剂业务,这是其塑料工艺业务的一部分。买主是包括意大利博洛尼亚的Reagens SpA和新加......
Thousands of decimetric spikes were observed with a new spectrometer of Yunnan Observatory on June 24, 2001. The statist......
A complex solar radio moving type IV burst was observed on 23 September 1998 with the broadband (1.0-2.0 GHz and 2.6-3.8......
Based on the studies on the source regions of a group of coronal mass ejections, we have identified two types of large-s......
This paper discusses the measurements of the chromospheric magnetic field and the spatial configuration of the field at ......
The present paper is concerned with problems of the strong uniqueness of the best approximation and the characterization......
Broadband radio spectral observations of the solar eclipse on 2008-08-01 and its implications on the
Based on the joint-observations of the radio broadband spectral emissions of the solar eclipse on August 1, 2008 at Jiuq......
In this paper,the relative phase relationship between flare index and sunspot activity(sunspot numbers and sunspot areas......
The relationships between earthquakes and positions of the sun and moon(Ⅱ)——Sometemporalcharacterist
Therelationshipsbetwenearthquakesandpositionsofthesunandmoon (Ⅱ) - Sometemporalcharacteristicsofthetershocks......
一、故事内容A little rabbit is drawing a picture.Hewants to draw a big sun in the sky. “Butwhat color is the sun?” th......
一、故事内容rnOn a mountain lives a big lion.One afternoon.the sun is very hot.The lion feels very he has a res......
The Sun comprises 99.9% of the solar system mass so it is expected that Sun terrestrial planet interactions can influenc......
随着计算机技术的飞速发展、Internet的广泛普及 ,社会上各个行业 ,愈来愈多的企业都试图借助新技术建立适用于本企业的应用 ,然而 ,市场上......
面向高校管理者与骨干教师、IT人才,进行素质提升与能力建设2009年4月21日,Sun Microsystems公司全球执行副总裁兼亚太区主席Crawf......
Sun 公司于上周介绍了其首个与 N1商业策略相关的刀片服务器产品:甚于 SPARC 系列芯片的 Sun Fire B系列产品以及基于 x86架构的 ......
2月初获悉,Sun公司推出了基于UltraSPARC系列处理器的升级版Sun Blade1500和SunBlade2500工作站,其性能提高了40%。Sun的这些工作......
在日前举行的2005年季度网络计算(NC05Q3)发布会上,Sun M icrosystem s公司宣布,新的企业级x64(x86,64位)多内核服务器系列产品已......
Sun公司表示,应用UltraSPARCT1处理器的Sun Fire服务器新产品线将在今年年底前首次露面,系统的定价将与目前的中高档x86服务器相当......
S u n官员表示,他们推出的33.25英寸高的SunBlade8000刀片式服务器的块头不算太大,但已使得惠普的17.5英寸高的C-classBladeSystem......
世界第三大IT服务商Fujitxu(富士通)与SUN公司在美国联合向外界宣布:正式推出由双方共同合作开发的全新SPARC Enterprise服务器系......