孩子天生好奇,对各种事物很感兴趣。不管是在家中还是在其他场所,只要想到一个问题,就会缠住家长想要问个明白,而且往往喜欢“打破砂锅问到底”。 虽然做家长的阅历相对来说比较广泛,且社会经验也较为丰富,然而并不是什么事都是知道的,所以也就不可能面面俱到、包罗万象的回答孩子的提问。而孩子提出的问题却不受时间、空间限制,范围很大,有时甚至是稀奇古怪的。面对孩子突如其来的提问,该如何给予一个满意和正确的答复呢? 笔者经过专门的统计和分析,发现有以下几个方
The child is naturally curious and very interested in everything. Whether at home or in other places, just think of a problem, it will be entangled parents want to ask, and often like to “break the casserole asked in the end.” Although the experience of parents is relatively extensive, and social experience is more abundant, but not everything is known, so it can not be exhaustive, all-enveloping answers to children’s questions. The problems raised by children are not subject to time and space constraints, a large range, and sometimes even bizarre. The face of sudden child questions, how to give a satisfactory and correct answer? The author after a special statistics and analysis, found that the following parties