在中国摄影专业报刊中,《光与影》向以中庸的面目出现,它扮演的是一个平和的角色,漂亮的图片、少量的文字,大多时间是悦人眼目的,偶尔也给人一点视觉冲击。但是,当日历翻到1998年时,《光与影》却突然进行了果断而彻底的改版,一下子由中庸走向极端,由传统变成先锋,叫人不得不重新对它进行评价。 新版《光与影》,令许多读惯了《中国摄影》、《大众摄影》等刊物的中国摄影者感到有些不习惯,毕竟《光与影》太偏离
In the Chinese photographic professional press, “Light and Shadow” appears to a moderate appearance. It plays a peaceful role, beautiful pictures and a few words. Most of the time is pleasing to the eye and occasionally gives a little visual impact. However, when the calendar turned to 1998, “Light and Shadow” suddenly made a radical and radical revision. All of a sudden, it turned from the middle to the extreme and became a pioneer from the tradition, so that people had to reassess it. The new version of “Light and Shadow” made many Chinese photographers who used to read publications such as “China Photography” and “Popular Photography” feel somewhat unaccustomed. After all, “Light and Shadow” deviated too much