尴尬时节,是左右为难的时节,是处境窘困的时节。人在尴尬时,真是手足无措,难堪异常,恨不得有个地缝儿钻进去才好。尴尬时节过后,不少人久久不能忘怀,甚至由于愧悔酿成重病灾祸。 生活在大千世界的人,谁都有过尴尬的时候。由于粗心大意给别人造成损失觉得对不起人家时,会感到尴尬;由于说话不得体弄得自己和他人都很难堪时,会感到尴尬;受到冷遇,坐冷板凳时,会感到尴尬;众日睽睽之下,出乖露丑,也会感到尴尬。总而言之,人在尴尬时,实在是难为情,甚至觉得无地自容,可又有什么办法呢? 其实办法也是有的,那就是:既
Embarrassed the season, is the dilemma of the times, is the predicament of the season. When people are embarrassed, they are overwhelmed and embarrassed, and they can not wait to get a chance to drill into them. After an awkward time, many people can not forget a long time, even as a result of regret causing disaster disaster. Everyone who lives in a world where there is embarrassment. Embarrassed by carelessness causing others to feel sorry for someone else; Embarrassed by being overwhelmed by what he or she is doing; Embarrassed by cold reception and by the cold bench; Embarrassed by the day Next, a good dew ugly, will feel embarrassed. All in all, when people are embarrassed, it is really embarrassing and they even find themselves embarrassed. But what is the solution?