【摘 要】
One day, a professor asked his students, “If you had only three days to live in this world, what would you do?” Student A: I want to stay with my friends. Student B: I want to go back to see my pare
One day, a professor asked his students, “If you had only three days to live in this world, what would you do?”
Student A: I want to stay with my friends.
Student B: I want to go back to see my parents.
Student C: I will try my best to eat some delicious food.
Student D: Professor, I want to attend your lecture.
Hearing this, the professor was very moved. He thought that anyhow there was still a student who wanted to attend his lecture. Just at this moment, he wanted very much to know why the student liked his lecture. So the professor asked, “Can I know the reason?”
“Because when we are in your class, we feel that one day seems a year.” Answered student D.
一、从B栏中找出与A栏相匹配的答语。 A B ( )1. What’s your favorite subject? A. On Friday. ( )2. When do you have English? B. Because it’s very interesting. ( )3. What day is it today? C. English. ( )4. Who is you
在中国近现代美术史中,黄宾虹先生既是一位着眼于对传统绘画文脉研究,追晋宋文人逸韵风骨,师法自然,并得传统笔墨语言之精髓,锐意变革的传统派大家,又是一位在中西绘画艺术和不同文化的参照比较中,在自然造化间锤炼笔墨,使得古典笔墨语言焕发了独具时代特性和现代形式表现意味的山水画大师。同时,黄宾虹先生在金石学、美术史学、诗学、文物考证鉴定,以及古籍整理出版等领域,也有卓越贡献。 中国画是体现和传承中华民族
【栏目要求】 1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号; 3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评; 5. 请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、 职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。 投稿邮箱: zxsyy2007@163.com或whzxsyy@163.com 来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英
我没有电子邮箱 摘自:恒星英语 一个失业的年轻人想应征微软公司勤杂工的职位。人事经理面试了他,并给他出了一个打扫地板的测试。这个年轻人把地板打扫得很干净,顺利地通过了测试。 “你被录用了,”经理告诉这个年轻人,“现在需要你的邮箱地址,我会把需要填写的表格发送到你邮箱,同时会在邮件内写明工作所需表格的发送时间。”可是这个年轻人却说:“我既没有电脑,也沒有电子邮箱。” “很抱歉,如果说一个人没
The pumpkin turns into a beautiful carriage. Cinderella is wearing a beautiful dress and a pair of glass shoes. 南瓜变成了马车。灰姑娘穿着漂亮的礼服裙和一双漂亮的水晶鞋。 Fairy Godmother 仙女奶奶: Yes, my child, but like all dreams,
摘 要:本论文研究了一类不确定时滞系统的非脆弱 保成本控制问题。所研究系统的输入和输出均含有时滞,状态,输入和输出均存在不确定性。在Lyapunov稳定理论的框架下,给出了系统鲁棒及 保性能的有界实引理。在此基础上,利用Lyapunov函数和线性矩阵不等式的方法,给出了非脆弱控制器的设计方法。 关键词:时变时滞;扰动;保成本控制 中图分类号:TP13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-216
Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow1, the other is a sparrow2. Now who can tell us which is a swallow and which is a sparrow? Student: I can not point out but I know the answer. Teacher: P
【栏目要求】 1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号; 3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评; 5. 请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、 职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。 来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语》 杂志社 收 本 期 点 评 名 师 姜经志 男,中学英语高级教师,省级骨
Dear Vlada, I am very glad and excited to receive your letter. I think we both are very busy, it is OK if you are unable to reply very soon. I hope you’ve been well recently. It has already been a m
摘 要:针对医院信息管理系统(HIS)中的时态信息处理需求,提出了一种具有主从结构的双时态数据模型,进一步,对该模型的时态实体完整性、时态参照完整性以及用户定义的时态完整性进行了分析和设计。实际应用表明,新模型不仅具有良好的数据完整性约束机制,而且还易于实现时态数据的分段储存。 关键词:主从结构;双时态数据模型;数据完整性 中图分类号:TP311.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-21