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包头市磴口净水厂以黄河水为水源,生产生活饮用水,为了解决河水受工业及生活排水污染,于1984年底建成了我自治区第一座用于净化,消毒饮用水配套完整的臭氧消毒装置。我们于1988年5月,9月对使用臭氧净化消毒饮水水厂各处理工艺进行了卫生学调查。1 调查方法对水厂的各项卫生学实地考察,并对水源水,各处理池出口水净水厂净化后经过14公里长密闭钢管送出的水质进行了采样分析。分枯水期和丰水期各采一次,每个点取样10升,按国家1985年颁发的《生活饮用水标准检验法》进行理化,细菌等29个项目的检验分析。2 结果在卫生学方面净水厂各处理池均采用水泥混凝土建筑材料,壁面光滑,澄清池,沉滤池的滤层不定期的排泥,清洗,以保 In order to solve the water pollution caused by industrial and domestic drainage, the Qiantou Water Purification Plant in Baotou City built the Yellow River water as the source of drinking water. In 1984, the first ozone disinfection system for purifying and disinfecting drinking water was completed in 1984 Device. We conducted a hygiene survey of treatment processes using ozone disinfection and disinfection drinking water plants in May and September 1988. 1 Survey Methods The field of hygiene of the water plant visits, and water source water, each treatment tank outlet water purification plant after 14 km long sealed steel pipe sent out of the water quality were sampled and analyzed. Sub-dry and wet periods of mining once, each sampling point 10 liters, according to the State in 1985 issued the “drinking water standard test” for physical and chemical, bacteria and other 29 projects in the test analysis. 2 Results In hygiene aspects of the water treatment plant are treated with cement concrete pool building materials, wall smooth, clarify the pool, filter sediment filter unscheduled mud, cleaning, to protect