第八条 各级人民政府组织实施的重点科技成果转化项目,可以由有关部门组织采用公开招标的方式实施转化。有关部门应当对中标单位提供招标时确定的资助或者其它条件。 第九条 科技成果持有者可以采用下列方式进行科技成果转化: (一)自行投资实施转化; (二)向他人转让该科技成果; (三)许可他人使用该科技成果; (四)以该科技成果作为合作条件,与他人共同实施转化; (五)以该科技成果作价投资,折算股份或者出资比例。 第十条 企业为采用新技术、新工艺、新材料和生产新产品,可以自行发布信息或者委托技术交易中介机构征集其所需的科技成果,或者征寻科技成果转化的合作者。
Article 8 The key scientific and technological achievements transformation projects organized and implemented by people’s governments at various levels may be transformed by the relevant departments in the form of public bidding. Relevant departments shall provide the successful tenderer with the subsidy or other conditions determined at the time of bid invitation. Article 9 The holders of scientific and technological achievements may use the following methods to carry out the transformation of scientific and technological achievements: (1) making investments by themselves for conversion; (2) transferring the scientific and technological achievements to others; (3) permitting others to use the scientific and technological achievements; (4) (5) Investing in the scientific and technological achievements as a price, converting the shares or the proportion of the investment. Article 10 In order to adopt new technologies, new processes, new materials and produce new products, enterprises may issue information on their own or entrust technical intermediaries to collect the scientific and technological achievements they need or to seek collaborators for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.