Tom Dixon出生于北非的突尼斯,成长于伦敦,这已经注定了他的体内混杂着狂热与理性两种性格特质。青年时代的Tom Dixon放弃了摇滚乐,自学成才成为了一名“离经叛道”的产品设计师,同时兼任欧洲知名家居品牌Habitat的设计总监,也曾为阿泰克集团的设计主管。他的设计生涯充满了奇遇与惊喜,但同时亦处处体现着创意与商业的磨合与交融。早在上世纪八十年代,Tom Dixon通过自学电焊这种充满了朋克味道的技能展现着自己的天赋与才华。通
Born in Tunisia in North Africa, Tom Dixon grew up in London, which has been doomed to his body mixed with fanatical and rational personality traits. In his youth, Tom Dixon abandoned rock music and became a deviant product designer and design director at Habitat, one of Europe’s leading home brands. He was also the design director at Artik Group. His design career is full of adventures and surprises, but he also embodies the running-in and blending of creativity and business. As early as the eighties of last century, Tom Dixon demonstrated his talents and talents through self-learning welding, a technique full of punk taste. through