
来源 :光学仪器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whb35750
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本文介绍了能迅速、简便、精确地测定光学纤维几何尺寸,形状误差和各层中的缺陷的测量仪的原理、结构、性能指标及特点。文中还就该仪器与近场显微法的试用结果作了比较,分析了产生误差的原因,提出了提高测量精度的措施。 This article presents the principles, structures, performance specifications, and features of a measuring instrument that enable rapid, easy and accurate determination of optical fiber geometry, shape errors and defects in each layer. The article also compared the results of the instrument with those of near field microscopy, analyzed the causes of the errors, and proposed measures to improve the measurement accuracy.
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