物理实验教学中,充分挖掘实验“潜能”,有效地培养学生创造性思维能力,是使实验教学成为培养创造型人才的不可缺少的方面。下面笔者结合实际,谈一点具体作法。1 联想思维的培养 联想是指对事物由此及彼的创造性想象,遇到问题联系与之相近、相关的事物,进行深思熟虑的分析、比较,从而产生认识找到答案的心理过程。联想思维能力的培养对创造性思维能力的培养起先导作用。教学中要善于对学生进行联想思维能力的训练。
In physics experiment teaching, fully excavating the experimental “potential” and effectively cultivating students’ creative thinking ability is the indispensable aspect of making experimental teaching a creative talent. Following the author’s actual situation, talk about a specific approach. 1 The cultivation of associative thinking Lenovo refers to the creative imagination of things and the others. When they encounter problems, they are related to similar things, and they make thoughtful analysis and comparison, thus creating the psychological process of understanding and finding the answers. The cultivation of associative thinking ability plays a leading role in the cultivation of creative thinking ability. Teaching should be good at training students in associative thinking.